
Halal Dim Sum - The perfect expression of our culture

Why Zheng Food Halal Dim Sum?
- Business friendly   
- Efficient service
- Quality production
- Halal certifications in manufacturing

In Malaysia, we praise diversity of culture and unity among races. We have terms that are totally unique to us, i.e Manglish, Chindian, Milo Dinosaur and etc. At Zheng Food, we express the Malaysian traits of union in diversity through our Halal Dim Sum. 

Our motto is Dim Sum for Everyone. So what is Halal Dim Sum? It is an ancient Chinese type of food that was made for Malaysians' taste buds. Meaning, you can enjoy our products, knowing the food has been through very tough guidelines, for both safety and tasty reasons.

Of course, we priced our products affordably. Our innovative manufacturing system are praised by our peers and officials that came to review us. Most importantly, our food taste good (with a pinch of good servicing too). 

So, dear readers, come enjoy our Halal Dim Sum and create a union in diversity - two thumbs up, one from us, the other from you.

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Our Certifications

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